sábado, 7 de enero de 2017

Shakespeare and Twitter

Hey there my Shakespearean Lovers 👋!

Today I was going through my Twitter and I realised that this network is really useful if you want to get more information or facts about Shakespeare. So that's why in today's post I'm going to be introducing you some Twitter accounts you could be interested in:

This account shares the love of his works, life and times from Startford-upon-Avon.
This is one of my favourite tweets from the account, because they link a video in which you can find a lot of facts about Shakespeare's life and works: https://twitter.com/ShakespeareBT/status/814453422619590656 

https://twitter.com/TheRSC, https://twitter.com/The_Globe and https://twitter.com/ShakespeareinDC 
These accounts are the twitters of some of the most important theatres where Shakespeare's plays are represented.
These are some useful accounts to follow because they give updated information about them in case you're interested.

On Twitter you can also check out different accounts where they tweet famous quotes that Shakespeare created.

And last but not least, for those of you who have time, patience and a big passion for Shakespeare, this last account will be your favourite. If you scroll down, you will be able to read his complete works line by line. 

So that's it for today's post, if you have any suggestions let me now in the comments down below.
Yours Truly, 
The senior student 💕.

*This Twitter account posts quotes in its original language, which is a quite old English, and might be a little bit more difficult to understand. 

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